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CD: Kreuzüber Bach II

Jazz and improvisations on J. S. Bach's Cello Suite No. 2 - the new CD "Kreuzüber Bach II" will be published October 1st 2020: Shop...
Michael Villmow and Gunther Tiedemann cultivate their musical friendship since 2003 and performed at places like the Pavillon by Mies van der Rohe in Barcelona or the Cologne Cathedral. After their CD "Kreuzüber Bach" and the Cello Suite No. 1 they now present a fresh view on Cello Suite No. 2 including the original Bach movements and corresponding duo improvisations with saxophone and cello or church organ. Original compostions by the two musicians are rounding off the album.
The album will be ready for download on iTunes and Amazon - and for streaming on several platforms.

Concerts with
Yaniel Matos (Cuba/Brasil)

Gunther Tiedemann - David Plate Duo featuring Yaniel Matos (cello, piano, vocals)
In this trio they follow their passion for Latin-American music and Jazz, mostly playing original compostions by the three musicians. Read more...

Review (German) on
Live video on YouTube...

Cologne String Big Band feat. Yaniel Matos

Streicher Bigband der Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln | Director: Gunther Tiedemann | Sonntag | 2. Februar 2020 | 18.00 Uhr | Loft Köln | |

Rio Cello 2019

In August 2019 Gunther Tiedemann was invited to the 25th festival Rio Cello in Rio de Janeiro playing solo and concerts with the violinist David Johnson, cellists Yaniel Matos and David Haughey, the Rio Cello Jazz Cello Quartet and the Rio Cello Ensemble - works by Villa-Lobos, Gunther Tiedemann, David Haughey a.o. - and the cello ensemble in Volta Redonda.

New Directions Cello Festival 2017 2018 2019 2023

2023: Workshop with Gunther Tiedemann at the 29th New Directions Cello Festival 23. - 25.06.2023 @Smith College Northampton/MA (USA)

2019: Workshops with Gunther Tiedemann at the 25th New Directions Cello Festival 21. - 23.06.2019 @Berklee College of Music Boston (USA)

2018: Gunther Tiedemann is Co-Director of the first European edition of the New Directions Cello Festival 2018 July 13 - 15 in Köln (Cologne) in co-operation with Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, WDR 3, Jeunesses Musicales NRW - and more partners.

Live videos from the New Directions Cello Festival 2017 at Ithaca (New York) with the duo Tiedemann & Rückert: YouTube-Playlist.

further news...